21-29 July 2022
US/Pacific timezone

Contribution List

495 / 495
Kim Budil (LLNL)
25/07/2022, 06:00
William D. Magwood (NEA Director General)
25/07/2022, 06:15
Dr M. S. Uddin (Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin, INM-5:Nuklearchemie, Forschungszentrum Jülich, D-52425 Jülich, Germany; Tandem Accelerator Facilities, INST, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Dr Shamsuzzoh Basunia (Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA)
25/07/2022, 09:54

In nuclear medicine, the positron emitting $^{86}$Y (14.7 h) is an emerging imaging isotope for use in combination with the $\beta$$^-$ emitting therapeutic radionuclide $^{90}$Y (2.7 d), the pair being commonly called as a matched theranostic pair [1]. To produce the radionuclide $^{86}$Y via the $^{86}$Sr(p,n) reaction in a pure form, 96.4% enriched thin $^{86}$SrCO$_3$ targets were...

Kent Parsons (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
25/07/2022, 12:21
Lawrence Heilbronn (University of Tennessee)
26/07/2022, 06:00
Dr Rudra N. Sahoo (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
27/07/2022, 07:45
Mr Aman Gandhi (Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India)
27/07/2022, 08:45
Markus Widorski
27/07/2022, 09:36

The FLUKA general purpose radiation transport Monte Carlo code being developed and maintained by CERN has adopted modern software development standards including a formal quality assurance process. This includes the FLUKAVAL testing framework that takes into account the specific needs of testing a Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation code.

FLUKAVAL is a...

Mr Aman Sharma (Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India)
27/07/2022, 09:42
Dr Karsten Kossert (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
28/07/2022, 09:40
Elizabeth McCutchan
29/07/2022, 06:00
Zhizang GE
29/07/2022, 06:15
Gustavo Nobre
29/07/2022, 06:30
Arjan Plompen
29/07/2022, 06:45
Osamu Iwamoto
29/07/2022, 07:00
Dr Arjan Koning (IAEA)
29/07/2022, 07:15
Enrique M. González Romero (CIEMAT)
29/07/2022, 10:00
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