FECR or the First 4th generation ECR ion source is
under development at Institute of Modern Physics
(IMP) since 2015. This ion source is aiming to extract
intense highly charged heavy ion beams in the order
of emA from the dense plasma heated with 45 GHz
microwave power. To provide effective magnetic
confinement to the 45 GHz ECR plasma, a state of
the art Nb3Sn magnet with min-B configuration...
LECR5 (Lanzhou Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion
source No. 5) is an 18 GHz room temperature ECR
ion source featuring Ø80 mm ID (Internal Diameter)
plasma chamber and high magnetic fields. It has
been successfully constructed at IMP recently and has
been fully commissioned to meet the requirements of
SESRI (Space Environment Simulation and Research
Infrastructure) project. According to the test...
The AISHa ion source is an Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Ion Source designed to generate high
brightness multiply charged ion beams with high
reliability, easy operations and maintenance for
hadrontheraphy applications. The R&D performed by
the INFN-LNS team during the 2019/2020 has
allowed the improvement of the AISHa performances
up to 20% for some of the extracted beams: both
injection and...
GISMO, a CW high-current quasi-gasdynamic ECR ion
source, is under development at the IAP RAS. The
quasi-gasdynamic confinement regime, featuring high
plasma density (up to 10^14 cm^-3) and moderate
electron temperature (~100 eV), allowed to extract
pulsed beams of H+ and D+ ions with current of 450
mA and RMS emittance <0.07 pi mm mrad*. It has
been already demonstrated that major benefits...
Development of the MARS-D ECR ion source, a 45
GHz next generation ECRIS using a NbTi MARSmagnet,
has been continuously moving forward at
LBNL. Recent stress analyses and other key
components of the MARS-D ion source have been
essentially finalized. This article presents and
discusses the status of this new 45 GHz ECR ion
source, such as the latest design features and the
fabrication plan with...
Ion beam analysis is typically based on tandem
accelerators and negative ions. The required 5-20
MeV energies for heavy ion time-of-flight elastic
recoil detection analysis* (ToF-ERDA) can be
achieved with a high charge state ion source and RFQ
accelerator. We present a conceptual design of a ToFERDA
facility based on a permanent magnet ECRIS
and variable frequency RFQ accelerating 1-10 pnA...
To satisfy ultimate performance requirements for
heavy ions, a 28 GHz superconducting ECR ion source
is under development at the Facility for Rare Isotope
Beams (FRIB) in collaboration with Berkeley National
Laboratory. The construction and testing of the
superconducting magnet was completed at Berkeley
and delivered to FRIB in January 2018. The magnet
and cryostat have been assembled on the...
Plasma instabilities limit the ECR Ion Sources
performances in terms of flux of the extracted highly
charged ions by causing beam ripple and unstable
operation conditions. In a 14 GHz ECRIS (Atomki,
Debrecen), the effect on the plasma instabilities in an
Argon plasma at Two Close Frequencies heating
scheme (the frequency gap is smaller than 1 GHz)
has been explored. A special multi-diagnostic...
High resolution spatially-resolved X-ray spectroscopy, by means of a X-ray pin-hole camera setup * operating in the 0.5-20 keV energy domain, is a very powerful method for ECRIS plasma structure evaluation. We present the setup installed at a 14 GHz ECRIS (ATOMKI, Debrecen), including a multi-layered collimator enabling measurements up to several hundreds of watts of RF pumping power and the...
Plasma instabilities complicate the operation of electron cyclotron resonance ion sources. In particular, quasi-periodic losses of electrons from confinement due to kinetic cyclotron instabilities hinder ion source performance. Empirical scaling laws help guide the development of sources away from the most unstable operating points but are poorly understood. Further advancement of ECR ion...
Sources of dense plasma fluxes with wide aperture
are extensively used in applied science, i.e. surface
treatment, and as a part of neutral beam injectors.
ECR discharge in a solenoidal magnetic field (i.e. with
no magnetic mirrors for plasma confinement),
sustained by a powerful radiation of modern
gyrotrons is under consideration at IAP RAS as a
possible alternative to widely used vacuum...
The CAPRICE ECRIS installed at the High Charge
Injector (HLI) of GSI produces highly charged ion
beams from gaseous and metallic elements. A high
demand of metal ions comes from the nuclear
physics, material re-search, and Super Heavy
Element group (SHE), and the most requested
element, besides 50Ti, is 48Ca. When this chemical
reactive material is deposited inside the plasma
chamber at...
GANIL has been producing many stable beams for
nearly 40 years. Constant progress has been made in
terms of intensity, stability and reliability. The
intensity for some stable metallic beams now exceeds
or approaches the pμA level at an energy up to 95
MeV/u: 1.14 pμA for 36S (65% enriched) at 77
MeV/u, 0.35 pμA for 58Ni (63%) at 74 MeV/u. The
presentation highlights recent results obtained...
For the Super Separator Spectrometer (S3) [1]
currently under construction on Spiral 2 facility,
metallic beams of high intensities must be delivered
to impinge a target aiming to produce rare
radioactive isotopes for fundamental nuclear studies.
First requested beams are 58Ni, 48Ca, 50Cr, 50Ti or
50V with an intensity about 1,2.1013 pps. The
metallic ion beams will be produced by the...
The diffusion of electrons from ECRIS plasmas results
in the emission of bremsstrahlung distributions from
the plasma chamber. ECRIS bremsstrahlung
measurements that are both time- and energyresolved
are often challenging to perform due to the
10's; 100's ms timescale that the plasma evolves
over. However, the advancement of low-cost
microcontrollers over the last decade makes timing
We have investigated how to produce multicharged
ions efficiently. Recently, we have focused on waves
propagations in plasma and conducted the Upperhybrid
Resonance (UHR) experiments. [1] We have
also conducted experiments heating by the coaxial
semi-dipole antenna to enhance the right-hand
polarization wave, which contributes to ECR. [2]
Multicharged ion beams have been improved using
High charge state electron cyclotron resonance ion
source (ECRIS) is characterized by a so-called min-B
magnetic field configuration, which provokes the
localized plasma over-heating to plasma chamber
especially for the 3rd generation ECRISs at high
power operation condition. With the increase of rf
power, more plasma energy will be dumped to tiny
areas and result in a very high localized...
A High-Temperature Oven (HTO) with inductive
heating technology has been developed successfully
in 2019 at Institute of Modern Physics. This oven
features durable operation temperature of >2000℃
inside the tantalum susceptor. By careful design the
oven structure, material compatibility and thermal
stress issues at high temperature has been
successfully handled, which enables the production...
It is well known that ECR ion sources exhibit
instabilities when the source's minimum magnetic
field is approximately 80% of the resonant field or
greater, but the reasons for this instability have yet
to be satisfactorily explained. In this paper we
present a simple theoretical model that has the highminimum-
B instability as a consequence. We show
that this model predicts modes of operation...
This work presents the first experimental
characterization of cavity modes trapped within a
plasma column in an axis-symmetric magnetic trap.
Trapped wave has been characterized by means of a
movable antenna as a function of the B_{min}/B_
{ECR} ratio and plasma parameters. The study
demonstrates that E.M waves can be trapped
between two R-cutoff layers, in proximity of the B
minimum position....
Oven are widely used to produce metallic ion beams
in ECRIS. A calcium oven dedicated to metal
evaporation up to 650°C has been investigated by
simulation and experience. The differential atom
emittance has been measured and is well reproduced
by the results of a Monte-Carlo simulation code. The
absolute atom flux was measured as a function of the
oven temperature and compared with...
Resonant interaction with the microwave radiation in
ECRIS plasma leads to a strongly anisotropic electron
energy distribution function (EEDF), given as a
combination of two to three electron populations,
with the possibility to trigger kinetic instabilities. At
the INFN, further efforts have been paid to improve
and update self-consistent 3D numerical codes for
plasma electrons kinetics....
The Boris algorithm has become the standard for
particle trajectory integration in a magnetic field. The
high frequency electron cyclotron motion (GHz)
constrains the time-step below 10 ps. A guiding
centre approach neglects the detailed particle
cyclotron motion, describing its trajectory through
free motion of the orbit's centre along the field lines
and corresponding drifts. It works on the...
The plasma chamber and injection system design
play a fundamental role in ECRISs with the aim to
obtain an optimized electromagnetic field
configuration able to generate and sustain a plasma
with a high energy content. In this work we present
the numerical study and the design of an
unconventionally-shaped cavity resonator* that
possesses some key advantages with respect to the
The 2.45 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion
Source (ECRIS) has been indigenously developed.
This development of ECRIS aims to provide high
brightness, stable, and reliable D+ ion beam of 20
mA in continuous (CW) mode operation for
accelerator-based D-T neutron generator. The ECR
ion source setup consists of a microwave system, a
magnet system, a double wall water-cooled plasma
chamber, a...
Recent research work of the JYFL ion source team
covers multi-diagnostic studies of plasma instabilities,
high-resolution plasma optical emission spectroscopy,
ion current transient measurements to define the
total life-time of a particle in the highly charged
plasma. The JYFL team also elaborates the magnetic
and technical design of the unconventional ion source
named CUBE. The R&D work...
The study of plasma bremsstrahlung has been used as a diagnostic tool for understanding the behavior of confined plasma in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS). In order to understand the relation connecting the confined plasma and the electrons escaping the confinement, a series of measurements have been made to measure the bremsstrahlung produced in the axial and radial direction...
SEISM is a compact ECR ion source operating at 60
GHz developed up to 2014. The prototype uses a
magnetic cusp to confine the plasma. This simple
magnetic geometry was chosen to allow the use of
polyhelix coils (developed at the LNCMI, Grenoble) to
generate a strong magnetic confinement featuring a
closed ECR surface at 2.1 T. The plasma is sustained
by a 300 kW microwave pulse of 1 ms...
We generalize the classical single-species Child-
Langmuir Law to analyze multi-species beams from
ECR ion sources. The formulation assumes the
relative weight of each species in the extracted beam
is known. We applied the results to charge state
distribution data from Artemis- and Venus-type
sources at the NSCL and LBNL respectively. The total
measured beam current is close to the...
Beams from ECR ion sources have 3-fold transverse
rotational symmetry induced by the ECR sextupole.
The symmetry imposes equality constraints among
transverse beam moments, which can be derived
using a theoretical framework we developed. Since
the constraints are solely a consequence of the
rotational symmetry of external fields, they hold for
arbitrary charge state distribution and space...
The BIBA (Busan Ion Beam Accelerator) is a compact
linear accelerator facility using the 28 GHz ECRIS at
the KBSI (Korea Basic Science Institute). Our goal is
to generate high current fast neutrons using the
heavy ion interaction with a proton target. For a
stable operation of the superconducting magnets, the
performance of cryostat system is very essential at
the 28 GHz ECRIS. However, the...
We have begun searching for the new super-heavy
element (SHE) with Z=119 at RIKEN Heavy Ion
LINAC (RILAC). To overcome the small production
cross section of vanadium (V) beam on the curium
target, the project requires a very powerful V beam.
In order to optimize the beam intensity of V with the
charge state of 13+, we have investigated the effects
of the amount of V vapor, the power of 18- and...
We are aiming at producing various ion beams in ECRIS. In the case of producing multicharged ion beams, we try to enhance loss channel of low Z ions by means of adding pulse modulated microwaves to conventional gas mixing method.* Through these experiments, we explore the feasibility of selectively heating specific ions with pulse modulated microwaves and launching another low frequency RF...
Electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) has
been constructed for producing synthesized ion
beams in Osaka Univ.,* Xe is used as fuel for ion
propulsion engines on artificial satellites. There are
problems of accumulated damages at irradiation and
sputtering by low energy Xe ion from the engine. It is
required to construct experimentally sputtering yield
databases of ion beams in the...
Cyclotron instabilities in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) plasmas are related to non-linear interaction between plasma waves and energetic electrons, resulting in strong microwave emission, a burst of energetic electrons escaping the plasma, and the periodic oscillations of the extracted beam currents. Precedent investigation of cyclotron instabilities has proved that...
To meet the beam requirements of High Intensity
heavy ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF), the Institute of
Modern Physics is developing a Fourth generation
ECR ion source (FECR). Targeting at the operation
frequency of 45 GHz, FECR is expected to produce
very high intensity highly charged heavy ion beams,
such as 1.0 emA 238U35+, 2 emA 78Kr19+, 10 emA
16O6+, etc. Based on the records with the...
Aimed at improving the ATTA's (Atom Trap Trace
Analysis) dating efficiency with 39Ar radioactive
isotope, an isotope enrichment system has been
developed at IMP (Institute of Modern Physics) to
increase the abundance of 39Ar in the incident
sample gas. In this enrichment system, a 2.45 GHz
ECR ion source was designed to ionize sample gas
and produce isotopes beams with several mA, and
Highly charged ion sources play an important role in
the advancement of heavy ion accelerators
worldwide. The beam requirements of highly charged
heavy ions from new accelerators have driven the
performance of ion sources to their limits and
beyond. In parallel to developing new technologies to
enhance the performance of ECR ion source, this
paper presents a conceptual design of an ion...
Plasma dynamics in the afterglow of ECRIS has been
studied through the Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations.
A full 3D implicit electrostatic PIC code was
developed to meet the needs of ECRIS simulations
and to study the characteristics of the ECR plasma
during the afterglow. The initial plasma parameters at
the simulation start-up were assumed by referring to
the experimental diagnostics of the...
The work describes the preparation of metal ion
beams from ECR ion sources by the MIVOC (Metal
Ions from Volatile Compounds) method. The method
is based on the use of volatile metal compounds
having high vapor pressure at room temperature: for
example, Ni(C5H5)2, (CH3)5C5Ti(CH3)3 and several
others. Using this method, intense beams of
chromium, titanium, iron, and other ions were
obtained at...
High-energy carbon-ion radiotherapy is being carried
out at Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba
(HIMAC). Over 12000 cancer patients have been
treated with carbon beams having energies of
between 56-430 MeV/u since 1994. There are two
injectors in the HIMAC for medical and experimental
use. First injector consists of two ECR ion sources and
one PIG ion source, the RFQ linac and the...
Plasma flood guns (PFGs) are widely used to
neutralize wafer charge during the doping process in
modern ion implanters. Compared with traditional dc
arc discharge with filament and RF discharge, the
microwave driven source that has long lifetime and
has no metallic contamination is regarded as a
potential choice of PFG [1]. Attempt to develop a
large scale PFG based on 2.45 GHz microwave...
The SPIRAL1 charge breeder (SP1CB) is under
operation. Radioactive ion beam (RIB) has already
been delivered [1] to Physicist for experiments.
Although charge breeding efficiencies demonstrated
high performances for stable ion beams, those
efficiencies regarding RIB are lower. The beam optics,
prior to the injection of the 1+ ions into the SP1CB, is
of prime importance [2] for getting such...
Contaminants reduction in Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Charge Breeders (ECRCB) is a key point
for the future experiments foreseen at LNL and
GANIL Isotope Separation On Line (ISOL) facilities.
According to the mass separator resolution set
downstream the ECRCB, the radioactive ion beam
study can be challenged in case of low production
rate. An ongoing collaboration between LNL, LSPC
and GANIL...
The Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source ECR3*
has recently been commissioned at the Argonne
Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) at
Argonne National Laboratory. While ECR3 can provide
many of the stable ATLAS beams, its other intended
purpose is the production of C-14 ion beams which
were previously produced by a now-retired negative
ion source. This paper will discuss the...
The Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source is a
versatile and reliable source to charge-breed rare
isotopes in TRIUMF's Isotopes Separation and
Acceleration (ISAC) facility. Significant research work
has been done by different groups worldwide to
improve the efficiency and performance of the ECRIS
as a charge state booster. The most recent of these
research works is the implementation of the...
While developing stable and re-accelerated rare
isotope beams (RIB) for acceleration with the TAMU
K500 cyclotron, a background of various stable
beams has been observed. It has been determined
that this background is arising from alloys and
contamination in the components of our ECR ion
sources, in particular, the aluminum alloy plasma
chamber. We have developed a detector system
based on...
A new imaging system for Electron Cyclotron
Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS) has been designed
and is being built. This K- and Ka-band camera will
extract localized measurements of absolute energy
and relative number density for ECRIS plasma
electrons by imaging their Electron Cyclotron
Emission (ECE) spectra, as the frequency, shape, and
strength of the ECE harmonics correlate directly with