Prior to the session
- Review the Epitome to determine the number and order of the abstracts to be presented, the time allocated to each abstract, and if there are any supplementary abstracts assigned to the session. Be mindful of your time zone with respect to the meeting time zone. The DNP schedule is on CDT through Saturday October 31 and CST thereafter. Daylight Savings Ttime ends Sunday, November 1.
& Chairs
Arrive early for the session
- Join the meeting room no later than 12 minutes prior to the start of the session to check your connection and setup. If you encounter problems, alert the meeting host or the event IT support. Refer to the resources at Frequently Asked Questions and DNP Zoom/Webinar pointer (pdf)
Upon arrival
- The session manager will make the chair co-host once the chair enters the Zoom room for the session.
- Once the chair is a co-host, the chair assumes full responsibility for the session. The chair will be able to mute and unmute speakers and participants; stop and start the video, promote a participant to the speaker (if necessary), and vice versa, change who participants can chat with, and remove participants.
Start the session on time
- At the start of the session, the chair should have their video on to briefly introduce themselves, explain the session timing and ground rules to speakers and participants, and remind participants to ask their questions via the chat window.
- The chair will introduce the speaker and title for each talk and then mute themselves and turn their video off for the duration of the talk. The chair should only unmute during the talk to remind the speaker of the time remaining. (This should be done with 5 minutes and 1 minute left for invited talks and at 2 minutes remaining for contributed talks.)
Stick to the schedule
- It is important that simultaneous sessions be synchronized as closely as possible since many attendees move from session to session in order to hear specific talks.
Allotted times
- The allotted time for contributed talks is 12 minutes (10 minutes to present + 2 minutes for discussion). The allotted time for invited talks is 36 minutes (30 minutes for presentation + 6 minutes discussion). If you are chairing a mini-symposium that includes both contributed and invited talks, please be aware of the different times allocated for each and set the times accordingly.
- Allow 8 minutes for contributed abstracts before giving initial warning. The talk ends two minutes later. When time is up, allow 2 minutes for questions.
- Allow 25 minutes for invited abstracts before giving an initial warning and give a final warning at 29 minutes for one minute left. When time is up, 6 minutes are allowed for questions.
- At the end of each talk, thank the speaker and then promptly introduce the next speaker and title.
- If the talk is shorter than allocated, allow more time for discussion. If the talk runs overtime, the extra time comes from the discussion time allotted. The next talk needs to start on time.
Dealing with connection problems
- If the speaker has trouble displaying the slides via screen share, the session manager will display the talk and advance the slides for the speaker.
At the end of each talk
- When their allotted time is up, ask the speaker to stop in a courteous but firm manner. Keep in mind that the session must end on time and that the last speaker has just as much right to an audience as the first speaker.
- At the end of each talk, the chair should unmute and share their video during the discussion. The chair will read appropriate questions out loud to the speaker and participants. (Questions that are in violation of the APS Code of Conduct should not be read out loud.)
- If there are no questions, the chair can solicit questions using the raise hand function. Participants who raise their hands can be unmuted to ask their questions. (If the participant raising their hand has entered an inappropriate question in the chat, the chair should ignore their raised hand and ask for other questions.)
Between talks
- The chair can remind the participants to type questions into the chat.
Absent speakers
- If an abstract has been withdrawn or the speaker does not appear in the Zoom Room and no supplementary abstracts have been assigned to the session, the chair will either allow the discussion of the previous talk to continue or pause the session for the appropriate time.
- In case supplementary abstracts have been assigned to the session and the speaker is absent, the chair can call on the author of the first supplementary abstract assigned to the session. If that author is not in attendance, call the author of the following supplementary abstract, and so on.
Further technical difficulties
- Refer to the resources at Frequently Asked Questions and DNP Zoom/Webinar pointer (pdf)
- If any technical issues arise beyond having the manager display the slides, the chair and session host should communicate via private chat or, if necessary, via cell phone or text message and seek support either by email to or by phone to (517) 908-7275 or (517) 908-7429.
Inappropriate behavior
- The session chair can remove speakers or participants from the Zoom room for behavior in violation of the APS Code of Conduct.
- The chair can contact Donna Greene, the APS representative at the DNP meeting, by phone or text, at +1 (302) 602-3548, for immediate questions or concerns. Email her at to provide evidence of violations, such as screenshots or cut and paste from the chat. Code of Conduct violations can also be reported directly to APS at +1 (844) 660-3924 or by visiting